You might find yourself spending more time at home these days. For that very reason, you also may have noticed the time has come to paint your house exterior. But has it really? It’s not something everyone looks forward to, after all. Why tackle a huge project like that before you have to? Then again, if it’s really time to paint the exterior of your home, do you even want to be physically involved? Might it be better left to a seasoned painting professional?

Let’s look at some signs and signals as to whether it’s time to paint the exterior of your home and, if it is, who should do it.
“I Just Don’t Like It Anymore!”
As in love as you may have once been with the color of the exterior of your home, you may have stepped outside the other day and thought, “Ugh. I can’t stand the color of my house!” It happens. The chances of you loving the color of your home for 30 or 40 years are slim to none. Maybe it’s simply time for a change.
Nothing Lasts Forever
You may still like the color your home was painted. Problem is – it isn’t that color anymore. The sun fades even the highest quality finishes. Eventually, the faded color of your home may no longer resemble the beautiful, vibrant hue it was originally finished in. Time to refresh and revitalize the outside of your house!
Moisture – Mold, Stains, and Peeling
Sometimes, mold and moisture stains are easily remedied. With a little pressure washing and/or wiping and detergent, they can be removed. On the other hand, deeper problems can lie beneath these stains. Eventually, extensive damage – such as peeling and/or decay – can result. If paint is peeling, don’t wait another moment. It’s time to paint.
Before it peels, paint usually cracks or bubbles. These are all signs that immediate action is needed. Otherwise, the elements your home is exposed to can cause long-term and severe damage. Mildew, mold, and rotting can result from exposure to snow, rain, high humidity, etc.
Is It Time to Caulk?
To properly seal them, around windows and doors, cracks and spaces should be caulked. Fresh caulking can simply be added when small cracks appear. But moisture will seep in if these areas are left untreated. If you’re completely re-caulking these areas, it’s probably time for an added layer of protection by applying a fresh coat of paint.
Damage to Wood and Stucco
As mentioned earlier, nothing lasts forever. Because of that, even if surfaces are protected by high-quality paint, the elements will eventually find their way in. You may notice signs of wood rotting or cracks in your stucco, over time. Figure out how deep the damage goes. To any effected surface, complete the required repairs. To protect against the elements, use the highest quality paint you can afford when applying new covering to these surfaces and the rest of your home or building.
Sunbow Painters for Professional Exterior House Painting Services
Painting the outside of a building such as a large garage or average size house is a big job. Projects like this aren’t for everyone. That’s why the professionals at Sunbow Painters are not only available to do the job for you – we would be happy to! We are both versatile and experienced in various finishing and painting situations/solutions. From restoring tired, old surfaces to repainting your entire abode, we don’t just get the job done… We do it right.
For a remote estimate or an in-home consultation, call us today at 920-659-7515. We provide Interior and exterior painting services for Oshkosh, Green Bay, and Appleton areas.